A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

First Person Shooter with enemies spawning in rounds. Now there are only two rounds because I am bad at managing projects.


WASD - movement
SHIFT - run
Mouse5 (side button) - keep down to Escpae From Borsafrigo
Mouse4 (side button) - secret, it's broken
F - keep down to aim an enemy and kill him on release
E - pick up a weapon (it's difficult)
R - reload
SPACE - jump


BS22 Windows 229 MB
BS22 Linux 230 MB

Install instructions

Put the executable somewhere. Open it.

Yes, the menu is awful, that's not a bug, I didn't burn your GPU.


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"we ti spacco la faccia" ce l'hanno fatta 🦧

Non vedo l'ora di martellarmi i maroni con un cactus per dimenticare il dolore che ho provato nel giocare questa schifezza. Ah ma aspetta, sono io lo sviluppatore...